Jermaine Seagears, CEO and Founder of Work Or Don't Eat Pictured above holding " I Will Beat cancer" Poster after being diagnosed with Diffused B-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer. November, 2016.

Jermaine Seagears, CEO and Founder of Work Or Don't Eat Pictured above holding " I Will Beat cancer" Poster after being diagnosed with Diffused B-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer. November, 2016.

              CEO / FOUNDER

Jermaine Rico Seagears was diagnosed with Diffused B-Cell Lymphoma cancer November, 2016. Being advised of this diagnoses, his initial reaction was pure disbelief. From a young active man who has always kept a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating healthy, working out regularly, motivational speaking and training youth athletes through Work Or Don't Eat. What your about to witness is his journey to DESTROY, BEAT and FIGHT Cancer.